
Coyote scat
Coyote scat

Just like human feces that can be quite variable based upon diet, the same applies to wildlife. I hate to ruin black beans for you, but don’t you agree they look like them?! Photo Credit: UF/IFAS Deer scat may have an indentation at one end and be pointed at the other, or they can be rounded on both ends. These ranges in diameter and length can result in short and stout or long and skinny pellets. They are small pellets, only about 3/16 to 5/8 of an inch in diameter and ½ inch to 1¾ inches long. When deer poop, they release several pellets at one time, falling into a pile, but scattering upon impact with the ground. It would look as if you dumped a can of beans on the floor, okay, maybe half a can 😉. These “beans” or pellets are often found in a scattered pile.

coyote scat

If I had to describe deer scat, I would say it looks like black beans. Despite being herbivores, you might not guess they only eat plants just by looking at their scat. White-tailed deer aren’t common in all parts of Pinellas County, but where they are, you are sure to find their scat. Okay, let’s dive in… White-Tailed Deer ( Odocoileus virginianus)

coyote scat

One thing to keep in mind as I share scat measurements with you is that diameter (thickness) is usually a better metric to focus on versus length since diameters are more or less fixed based on the animal’s anatomy. If you discover you have a coyote or bobcat in your yard, I encourage you to learn more about them and celebrate the fact your yard is supporting some of our larger mammal species! And, knowing which species are in your yard can be exciting, or slightly concerning. Today we are going to explore commonly encountered scat because…why not? Scat is animal poop, and not only can we identify animals by looking at their poop, but sometimes we can tell what they have been eating too! And, who doesn’t love to talk about poop?! We all do it. It’s fun to spot wildlife in nature, but sometimes we are only left with their evidence in the form of tracks, scat, burrows, holes and more.

Coyote scat